François's blog

L'art de déléguer!

The art of delegating!

This is one of the first problems that the entrepreneur will face."It's way too complicated what I'm doing, only I'll be able to!"»

The art of delegating!

This is one of the first problems that the entrepreneur will face."It's way too complicated what I'm doing, only I'll be able to!"»

Bonne attente!

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.

Parlons mathématiques

Let's talk math

We often hear that an entrepreneur likes to take risks. I do not believe it..

Let's talk math

We often hear that an entrepreneur likes to take risks. I do not believe it..

Trois ans au lieu de trois mois

Three years instead of three months

Many people go into business believing that they will be able to pay themselves a salary after three months. It is not so..

Three years instead of three months

Many people go into business believing that they will be able to pay themselves a salary after three months. It is not so..

La pandémie n'a pas tué les entreprises

The pandemic did not kill businesses

No, the coronavirus pandemic didn't kill businesses, it just caused faster natural selection. It made it possible to clean the dead wood which was already rotting. 

The pandemic did not kill businesses

No, the coronavirus pandemic didn't kill businesses, it just caused faster natural selection. It made it possible to clean the dead wood which was already rotting. 

Si j'étais humoriste ou chanteur

If I were a comedian or a singer

If there is one group that has lost big with the pandemic, it is the artists. Comedians, singers, actors, ah and then the speakers too. In short, all those who depended on...

If I were a comedian or a singer

If there is one group that has lost big with the pandemic, it is the artists. Comedians, singers, actors, ah and then the speakers too. In short, all those who depended on...