Pork meatballs and forest mushrooms in a creamy...
Once again, this recipe is breathtaking, tasty and surprisingly simple.
Pork meatballs and forest mushrooms in a creamy...
Once again, this recipe is breathtaking, tasty and surprisingly simple.
Free-range chicken breast on a bed of mashed ma...
This recipe is quite simply worthy of the great restaurants. There is no doubt that you will wow your guests without spending hours in the kitchen.
Free-range chicken breast on a bed of mashed ma...
This recipe is quite simply worthy of the great restaurants. There is no doubt that you will wow your guests without spending hours in the kitchen.
The completely decadent maple dessert poutine
It's completely decadent: a dessert poutine made with maple popcorn, maple butter and mini maple meringues.
The completely decadent maple dessert poutine
It's completely decadent: a dessert poutine made with maple popcorn, maple butter and mini maple meringues.
The dragon burger
The famous dragon burger! You think it's dirty We too!!
The dragon burger
The famous dragon burger! You think it's dirty We too!!
Maple creme brûlée trio
Recipe generously shared by Sébastien Guérard. Thank you !
Maple creme brûlée trio
Recipe generously shared by Sébastien Guérard. Thank you !
Oven-blown pancake
Ingredients 4 eggs 1 cup of flour 1 cup of milk 3 tbsp. maple sugare 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 C. tablespoon of butter 1 C. canola oila
Oven-blown pancake
Ingredients 4 eggs 1 cup of flour 1 cup of milk 3 tbsp. maple sugare 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 C. tablespoon of butter 1 C. canola oila