François's blog

L’argent ne sera jamais assez

Money will never be enough

It is the desire to change things, to please people that is always motivated.é.

Money will never be enough

It is the desire to change things, to please people that is always motivated.é.

blogue francois lambert

12.69 $/hour

This is the average salary dd'a thirdSME owners.It kills the mythof SME owners who are rolling on gold!! 

12.69 $/hour

This is the average salary dd'a thirdSME owners.It kills the mythof SME owners who are rolling on gold!! 

L’entrepreneur, cet être paresseux!

The entrepreneur, that lazy being!

Well yes, we are all a little lazy. Working tirelessly takes away our mental alertness that we need to be successful in business.. 

The entrepreneur, that lazy being!

Well yes, we are all a little lazy. Working tirelessly takes away our mental alertness that we need to be successful in business.. 

L’art du « pitch » : ce que l'investisseur veut entendre

The art of pitch:what the investor wants to hear

After appearing in three seasons of In the Eye of the Dragon, I am frequently asked what advice I would give to entrepreneurs seeking financing for their project.t.

The art of pitch:what the investor wants to hear

After appearing in three seasons of In the Eye of the Dragon, I am frequently asked what advice I would give to entrepreneurs seeking financing for their project.t.

L’entrepreneuriat, c’est :

Entrepreneurship is:

To do otherwise, to find your niche, to disturb, to think outside the box.

Entrepreneurship is:

To do otherwise, to find your niche, to disturb, to think outside the box.

Un vrai petit François Lambert!

A real little François Lambert!

Alex is 19 years old and an entrepreneur at heart!! 

A real little François Lambert!

Alex is 19 years old and an entrepreneur at heart!!