François's blog

Bonne attente!

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.

Happy waiting!

In business, we want to go fast, but our day is filled with expectations.

La naïveté entrepreneuriale !

Entrepreneurial naivety!

We all think that our products or our company are going to be an instant success. Well it's more complex than that.

Entrepreneurial naivety!

We all think that our products or our company are going to be an instant success. Well it's more complex than that.

Se sentir seul

Feeling lonely

Isolation expresses the pain of being alone while loneliness represents the glorification of being alone.ul.

Feeling lonely

Isolation expresses the pain of being alone while loneliness represents the glorification of being alone.ul.

blogue francois lambert

12.69 $/hour

This is the average salary dd'a thirdSME owners.It kills the mythof SME owners who are rolling on gold!! 

12.69 $/hour

This is the average salary dd'a thirdSME owners.It kills the mythof SME owners who are rolling on gold!! 

blogue francois lambert

No salary, no car, no restaurant!

You start your business and other than the right idea you are wondering what to do to be successful?

No salary, no car, no restaurant!

You start your business and other than the right idea you are wondering what to do to be successful?