Maintenant en lecture: Raspberry and Maple Syrup Pie
tarte framboise

Raspberry and Maple Syrup Pie

Video Integration

Try our easy raspberry tart recipe! You can use fresh or frozen raspberries for this tart. Maple syrup adds perfect sweetness. This is a simple recipe for a delicious raspberry tart. Even if you've never made a pie, you can make this raspberry pie recipe. And if you want to try something different, make a maple syrup pie with frozen raspberries. This pie is perfect for summer and everyone will love it!

🔍 Information Details
⏱️ Preparation time 1 hour 15 minutes (includes refrigeration time)
🍳 Cooking time 45 minutes
⏲️ Total time 2 hours
🔧 Difficulty level Intermediate
🍽️ Servings 6 to 8 people
🔥 Calories (approximate) Variable

Ingredients :

For the pie crust:

For garnish :

  • 500 g fresh raspberries
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch

For the gilding:

  • 1 beaten egg
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

Preparation :

Pastry :

Trim :

Assembly :

Enjoy this delicious raspberry and maple syrup tart. Enjoy your meal and to see the “making of” of the recipe, watch the following video:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I use frozen raspberries for this pie?

Yes, frozen raspberries can be used but be sure to defrost and drain them first.

How to store this raspberry tart?

The pie can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

What other fruit can I use in this recipe?

You can replace the raspberries with other red fruits such as strawberries or blackberries.

Can I use another type of syrup?

Maple syrup provides a unique flavor, but you can try it with agave or honey syrup.

How to serve this tart?

This tart is delicious served at room temperature or slightly warmed, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Can I make this pie in advance?

Yes, you can make it in advance and store it in the refrigerator.

How do I know if my pie is cooked properly?

The pie is ready when the crust is golden brown and the filling is slightly bubbly.

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ajouter tapioca minute au lieu de fécule de maïs

Micheline Beauregard

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