
ail noir frit

Ail noir frit

L'ail noir, transformé par un vieillissement unique, devient un délice croustillant une fois frit. Sa texture contrastée et son goût umami profond sont mis en avant, offrant une touche originale...

Ail noir frit

L'ail noir, transformé par un vieillissement unique, devient un délice croustillant une fois frit. Sa texture contrastée et son goût umami profond sont mis en avant, offrant une touche originale...

37 plats à l'ail noir

37 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Black Garlic

Discover the versatility of black garlic through 37 innovative and tasty recipes. From mashed potatoes to poutine, black garlic elevates every dish to a new level of deliciousness.

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37 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Black Garlic

Discover the versatility of black garlic through 37 innovative and tasty recipes. From mashed potatoes to poutine, black garlic elevates every dish to a new level of deliciousness.

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Pain maison à l'ail noir

The Art of Homemade Black Garlic Bread

Discover the magical impact of black garlic on your homemade bread. With its complex umami flavor and health benefits, black garlic transforms bread into a culinary experience not to be...

The Art of Homemade Black Garlic Bread

Discover the magical impact of black garlic on your homemade bread. With its complex umami flavor and health benefits, black garlic transforms bread into a culinary experience not to be...

purée de chou-fleur à l'ail noir du Québec

Quebec black garlic cauliflower purée

The black garlic puree evokes flavors of balsamic vinegar, chocolate and coffee. In the mouth, she has a melting and soft texture, slightly tangy and sweet.

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Quebec black garlic cauliflower purée

The black garlic puree evokes flavors of balsamic vinegar, chocolate and coffee. In the mouth, she has a melting and soft texture, slightly tangy and sweet.

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