Maintenant en lecture: So are you going to open any shops soon?
Puis vas-tu ouvrir des boutiques bientôt ?

So are you going to open any shops soon?

My answer is in my face! NEVER
My ego would say it would be cool to have shops in malls, my head and my wallet are telling me no.
Whatever you think, my head is stronger than my ego😉
Opening a shop in a shopping center means having A point of sale in ONE specific location. A place to serve all of Quebec and ask you to travel to come. To survive having a place in a shopping center, there would be only one solution: to increase my prices drastically, there are no winners in this approach.
Many have broken their teeth trying to open their own shop. There was Bleu Lavande which, after a success on the farm, went big and went bankrupt before rising from the ashes and now has points of sale everywhere in pharmacies. It is this last approach that inspires me.
My philosophy is to have stores within stores.
In addition to online sales, we are approaching 600 points of sale and with your support, we expect to have over 2000 points of sale by Christmas.
My entrepreneurial mind can't help but feel anxious (even for my competitors) when I see premises with few customers. Every time I ask myself the same question:
How do they live?
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