At the moment, healthy maple wood is allowed to be cut on public lands.
Maple syrup is one of our most precious resources, it is our calling card when we travel abroad, it is our treasure and our national pride.
The brief published a few days ago by the Productrices et producteurs acéricoles du Québec (PPAQ) reveals that the maple syrup industry generates around 12,800 full-time jobs in the province and total economic spinoffs of more than 1 .13 billion dollars.
It goes without saying that we have every interest in further protecting our precious maple trees. We are never safe from a disease that could decimate a large part of it, just as we have experienced with Dutch elm disease, emerald ash borer and beech bark disease, in particular.
So yes to selective cutting of dead trees, to clean up, yes to a possible partnership with private companies or individuals to recover useless maple trees on their land, but we do not cut healthy maple trees to make flooring, grace!!
It is imperative that we be more careful with our national resource and tighten the rules regarding the cutting of healthy wood on public lands. It's part of who we are, and part of our income, that's at stake.
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