Sorry, there's no free money with RRSPs despite what you've been told
RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plans) have long been considered an essential tool for saving for retirement. Financial institution advertising campaigns have often extolled the benefits of RRSPs, emphasizing arguments such as instant tax refunds and the ability to earn money effortlessly. But the truth is, there's no free money with RRSPs.
Instant tax refund is the result of tax deferral on earned income
The instant tax refund one receives after making an RRSP deposit is often touted as some kind of new free money that one can use however one sees fit. The ads imply that if you make an RRSP deposit, you'll be rewarded with an instant tax refund that lets you spend that money freely. For example, a taxpayer in a 50 percent tax bracket can expect to get a $10,000 tax refund after an RRSP deposit of $20,000. On top of that, you still have your $20,000 at your disposal. But the reality is quite different. The tax refund you receive after making an RRSP deposit is really just the result of deferring tax on the earned income that was used to make the RRSP deposit. When you withdraw your RRSP money at or before retirement, you will have to pay deferred income tax plus any capital gains realized in the meantime.
The disadvantages of investing in an RRSP
This means that if your tax rate is the same when depositing and withdrawing from the RRSP , there will be no difference between investing in an RRSP or investing in a non-registered account (assuming the returns are the same). The only advantage of an RRSP is that it allows you to defer tax until a later date when your tax rate may be lower. But there are also downsides to investing in an RRSP. For example, if your tax rate increases upon withdrawal (perhaps because you have another source of income such as the Old Age Security pension or the Guaranteed Income Supplement), you will pay more taxes. than if you had invested in a non-registered account. In addition, RRSP withdrawals are considered taxable income which may reduce your eligibility for income-tested benefits and credits .
The advantages of the TFSA
So why are so many people obsessed with RRSPs? Maybe because they don't understand how they really work. Or perhaps because they are influenced by the advertising campaigns of financial institutions that want to attract their savings. Or maybe because they think it's the only way to save for retirement . But there are other options for saving and investing for the long term without paying too much tax. For example, the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) allows Canadians to contribute up to $6,500 per year (or more if they have unused rights since 2009) and withdraw their money at any time without pay tax on capital gains or accrued interest.
The TFSA may be a better option for people who expect their tax rate to increase
The TFSA may be a better option for people who expect their tax rates to rise in the future, as they will be able to withdraw their money without paying tax on capital gains or accrued interest. Also, unlike RRSPs, there is no age limit for contributing to the TFSA, making it a more flexible option for savers of all ages.
The TFSA is a more flexible option for savers of all ages
The TFSA is also a better option for people who want to use their savings for short-term expenses, such as buying a house or financing a business project. Unlike RRSPs, there is no penalty for withdrawing money from the TFSA, which means savers can access their money at any time without suffering negative tax consequences.
The RRSP is a tool to help savers plan for retirement, not to provide immediate gratification
Ultimately, the key to saving effectively for retirement is understanding all of the options available and choosing the one that best suits your financial situation and long-term goals. RRSPs can be a useful tool to save for retirement, but they are not the only option
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Il n’y a pas vraiment de gagnant parce que ça dépend de ta situation financière, si tu es capable de ne pas faire de retrait REER jusqu’à l’âge de le transférer en FEER c’est bon et tu gardes un CELI pour de l’épargne que tu peux sortir en cas de besoin