Maintenant en lecture: Insecurity breeds insecurity
L'insécurité engendre l'insécurité

Insecurity breeds insecurity

One day, I hired a plasterer to do some work around the house. The guy was so insecure about his job that he made me feel completely insecure. He spent his time asking me if what he was doing was right. I have no idea, I'm not a plaster specialist, he's supposed to be the pro!

In the end, I never recommended this company to friends for construction work and even today when I look at the work that has been done I have doubts about the quality.

Probably it is very well done, but the worker was so insecure that he created doubt in my mind.

I made a full chapter of it in my book “Entrepreneurship is difficult. Point."

When I had a call center with my partner, we had a problem with the sound quality of the automated voice. However, we made the mistake of asking customers if they found that the voice was lacking… Needless to say that we received an avalanche of comments telling us that the quality was mediocre.

When you sell a product or a service, you have to have confidence in its quality. We should never share our doubts with the client. It's fatal!

Even if you're not sure you're the best, you have to believe that you are. There is no such thing as being the best anyway, and it's arrogant to say so. Above all, we must deliver a quality product or service and be proud of it.

Every time we make a customer insecure, we reject word of mouth. I often say that perfection in business kills entrepreneurship, but insecurity kills it too. You have to walk between the two. There is a mix between perfection and insecurity. Don't take eight years to develop a product, launch it, listen to the reaction and adjust as needed.

But don't tell the customer that you are testing your product!

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Sans que tu le sache réellement tu as une bonne analyse des choses, mais tout ceci face à tes divers expérience… continue ainsi tu généreux de partager le tout que tule sache ou no

Guy Charest

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