Maintenant en lecture: Letter to François, 5 years old, future entrepreneur
Lettre à François, 5 ans, futur entrepreneur

Letter to François, 5 years old, future entrepreneur

I like to write to this young man occasionally.

As long as I can remember, I wanted to be my boss. Why?

I don't know, my grandfather was an entrepreneur, my father was an entrepreneur, but we didn't really talk about it.

I followed my father when he went to buy his stock from his supplier.

Bébelles at 5, 10 and 15 cents, made in Taiwan. I was always a little traumatized, because the man always asked my father how old his daughter was! !

The girl was me  and besides, this man asked me what I wanted to do later.

I was 5 years old and I already knew it.

I always replied: like my father! Really, I didn't really know what my dad was doing, but I was traumatized to answer so that was the easiest answer.e.

But in 1972, you were unionized or your own boss! I might be young, but I saw the happy and ambitious entrepreneurs and my parents' friends who were union members and who came over for a case of beer with us were constantly whining.

« Bosses that steal the poor world»
« Bosses who see opportunities»

It was a half empty glass versus a half full glass.

So it was in this environment that the idea of becoming a boss sprang up [the word entrepreneur was reserved for construction people].on].

Then the final click came around the age of 8. The veterinarian who came to treat the sheep breathed happiness. He would come in with his cigar, take care of the animals, and he wanted to buy me. With a buoyant and strong voice, he said to my father:

« How much for the little boy »

My father constantly replied: We'll talk about it soon »

Heuuuuu, he wants to sell me We weren't rich so that was worryingt .

What I remembered, however, was that he looked happy and walked away from the farm with money.

It was final! I had to be in business.

Happiness and money! That’s it.

Some will say: Happiness, money and women!  I'll let you handle this!

Entrepreneurship is not always rosy, far from it. Sometimes the clown doesn't laugh anymore, but entrepreneurs have the ability to quickly forget about a bad day as soon as a good day arises.

One day we want to sell everything, the other day we want to expand.

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