If you did not yet know that I am passionate about maple products and honey, I tell you .
You know that the Federation of Maple Syrup Producers and I haven't always been love. It's not love yet, but for my part, I consider it a marriage of convenience. I finally need their syrup to turn into sugar for the cotton candy, now the meringues and soon the popcorn.
So I bought my first barrels last week.
The Federation places a lot of emphasis on exporting and creating the strategic reserve. Anyway, that's what I see and I can see from reading the information they send me.
When you want to open a new market, you have to do evangelization and that is expensive. I am an atheist I hate spending my money on telling people about my product..
I prefer to sell to people who already know the product. I'm not saying don't expand, but when the news of the month is that a very high-end restaurant in Japan is using syrup I wince a little. How much syrup he uses 10 mlml?
Honestly, the Quebec market is still pristine with maple products. The Federation should put the package here.
Why, I am successful Because I make derivative products with a flavor that you already know..
Take maple water for example, we praise its merits and benefits. Let's be honest, you would need to drink 8 gallons per day to have the benefits. What we have to sell is lifestyle.
The same goes for maple butter. Still many Quebecers have not tasted this delight. It’s a must for weekend lunches.
Maple popcorn. You know that what coats the popular popcorn in Quebec right now comes from the US Not mine, I'll make it from Quebec syrup..
Cotton candy isn't just a kid's treat. The other day we were celebrating good news for one of my companies; there was champagne and cotton candy. Forget the kid with the blue face!
It's glamorous and it sounds good to say that you've opened up a new market and you have to do it.
Here I give the example of syrup, but this applies to your own market. You have to tap into every facet of a customer who knows the product and then do evangelism.
There are so many opportunities in the market, it's amazing!