François's blog

L’entrepreneuriat, c’est :

Entrepreneurship is:

To do otherwise, to find your niche, to disturb, to think outside the box.

Entrepreneurship is:

To do otherwise, to find your niche, to disturb, to think outside the box.

La persévérance!


I don't know about you, but if I am persistent, it is because I have no natural talent.l.


I don't know about you, but if I am persistent, it is because I have no natural talent.l.

Comment être un entrepreneur réaliste?

How to be a realistic entrepreneur?

It is impossible to be a successful entrepreneur and to be realistic, you will never be successful if you see the reality of

How to be a realistic entrepreneur?

It is impossible to be a successful entrepreneur and to be realistic, you will never be successful if you see the reality of

Francois Lambert


The status I wrote about influencerss reflects what is also happening in our companies.


The status I wrote about influencerss reflects what is also happening in our companies.